All posts by Josh Schmidt

Josh Schmidt | August 10, 2017
Russian Plane Surveys Washington as Part of Open Skies Treaty
It was allowed under an international treaty, but some are still skeptical.
Josh Schmidt | August 8, 2017
Chinese Tourists Arrested Over Nazi Salute at Reichstag
The incident is yet another example of Germany condemning its Nazi history
Josh Schmidt | August 7, 2017
New York Jets Owner Woody Johnson Confirmed as Ambassador to UK
Will he be more successful than the Jets?
Josh Schmidt | August 1, 2017
John Kelly: From General to DHS to the White House
He has replaced Reince Preibus as chief of staff, but can he clean up the White House?
Josh Schmidt | August 1, 2017
Is the California Bar Exam About to Get Easier?
Only 62 percent of students pass the California exam.
Josh Schmidt | July 28, 2017
Chinese Court Rules in Favor of Transgender Man for the First Time Ever
The man was fired from his job for "looking like a lesbian."
Josh Schmidt | July 26, 2017
Rick Perry Tricked by Russian Pranksters
The former Governor of Texas was tricked by two young Russians.
Josh Schmidt | July 25, 2017
Maine Dispensary Trades Weed for Trash in Community Clean Up Effort
One man's trash is another man's marijuana.
Josh Schmidt | July 24, 2017
Federal Judge Strikes Down Milwaukee’s Pokémon Go Law
Can Milwaukee catch all the rule breakers?
Josh Schmidt | July 19, 2017
Massive Protests Planned Against Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro
Opponents see his recent actions as blatant power grabs.
Josh Schmidt | July 18, 2017
YouTube Faces Pressure From Music Artists To Pay Up
Less money, more problems.
Josh Schmidt | July 17, 2017
R. Kelly is Reportedly Controlling a “Cult” of Young Women
Kelly is reportedly abusive, but the women say they consented to staying.
Josh Schmidt | July 11, 2017
Houston Judge Suspended for Buying Drugs and Prostitutes, Sexting Her Bailiff
She's a judge by day...and does other things by night.
Josh Schmidt | July 10, 2017
Protesters Clash with KKK in Charlottesville Over Robert E. Lee Monument
Last time the KKK had flaming torches. This time they had hand guns.
Josh Schmidt | July 8, 2017
Was Amelia Earhart Captured by Japan?
What do you think happened to the famous female pilot and her navigator?
Josh Schmidt | July 6, 2017
With “Beachgate,” Chris Christie’s Approval Ratings Take a Plunge
Christie was once a rising political star...
Josh Schmidt | July 5, 2017
Will Snorting Cacao Powder Become Popular? The FDA May Need to Decide
Is this really the best idea?
Josh Schmidt | July 1, 2017
NRA Video Sparks Reactions from Both Supporters and Opponents
The inflammatory ad angered many.
Josh Schmidt | July 1, 2017
Cardinal George Pell Charged with Sexual Assault
Pell is viewed as the third most powerful person in the church.
Josh Schmidt | June 29, 2017
Israeli Government Stalls Plans for an Equal Space at the Western Wall
Netanyahu has backtracked on an agreement he made in January 2016.
Josh Schmidt | June 28, 2017
Time Magazine Asks Trump Organization to Remove “Fake News” Cover
Apparently Trump craves media attention so much that he makes some of his own.
Josh Schmidt | June 27, 2017
20 Years Later, Harry Potter is Still Culturally Relevant
Clearly J.K. Rowling inspired a generation of activists with the Harry Potter series.
Josh Schmidt | June 25, 2017
United States Bans Fresh Beef Imports from Brazil
And we're not alone.
Josh Schmidt | June 23, 2017
Protesters Physically Removed from Outside Mitch McConnell’s Office
Things turned ugly on Thursday.
Josh Schmidt | June 21, 2017
Senators Discuss New Rules for Travel to North Korea After Otto Warmbier’s Death
Approximately 800 Americans visit North Korea each year.
Josh Schmidt | June 21, 2017
The World Finally Gets to Hear Jared Kushner’s Voice
What did you expect his voice to sound like?
Josh Schmidt | June 20, 2017
Megyn Kelly’s Interview with Alex Jones Sparks Negative Reactions
Well, this backfired.
Josh Schmidt | June 20, 2017
Six Members of the HIV/AIDS Council Resign in Frustration
And after 150 days Trump hasn't appointed a leader for the White House Office of National AIDS Policy.
Josh Schmidt | June 19, 2017
Is Daily Fantasy Sports a Form of Online Gambling?
A recent study finds similarities between daily fantasy sports players and traditional gamblers.
Josh Schmidt | June 16, 2017
Washington Sports Stars Spend Time with Trump and Putin
Would you accept Trump's golfing invitation?