All posts by Michael Sliwinski

Michael Sliwinski | September 1, 2016
What a Major Insurance Provider Leaving the Obamacare Exchanges Means
The president's landmark health law has some big problems.
Michael Sliwinski | August 26, 2016
Chip Cards: Making Credit Cards Safe Again?
What's behind the switch to chip credit cards?
Michael Sliwinski | August 14, 2016
How Close are we to Driverless Cars?
Where are we now and what's left to figure out?
Michael Sliwinski | August 4, 2016
The Coup That Wasn’t: Inside Turkey’s Failed Military Takeover
What's next after the chaos?
Michael Sliwinski | August 1, 2016
Breaking Down Brexit: What the U.K.’s Decision Means for Itself and the World
What does Brexit mean going forward?
Michael Sliwinski | May 25, 2016
Did the Program Meant to Rescue the VA Healthcare System Make it Worse?
Veterans still have serious problems getting healthcare.
Michael Sliwinski | May 24, 2016
Trouble Below: The Problems Plaguing the Washington D.C. Metro
The long list of failures that got us to where we are today.
Michael Sliwinski | May 21, 2016
Calling in Sick: The Problems with Detroit Public Schools
Public schools in Detroit and across the country face some big challenges.
Michael Sliwinski | May 7, 2016
What Explains Life Expectancy in the United States?
Why do some groups live longer than others?
Michael Sliwinski | May 3, 2016
Conflict in the Caucasus Mountains: The Battle over Nagorno-Karabakh
What's going on in Azerbaijan?
Michael Sliwinski | April 15, 2016
It Takes a Policy: The Fight Over Paid Family Leave in the United States
Despite recent efforts the United States is still an outlier.
Michael Sliwinski | April 14, 2016
Tunisia: The Last Vestige of the Arab Spring?
Why is there still hope for Tunisia?
Michael Sliwinski | April 7, 2016
The Future is Bleached: The Trouble With the World’s Coral Reefs
What's going on with our coral reefs?
Michael Sliwinski | April 5, 2016
Who are the Kurds?
And how did they become a major player in the fight against ISIS?
Michael Sliwinski | March 30, 2016
The Costs (and Benefits) of Free Trade
How has free trade affected the United States?
Michael Sliwinski | March 22, 2016
The NCAA Tournament: The Method behind the Madness
What's behind the NCAA Tournament?
Michael Sliwinski | March 8, 2016
Title IX: More Than Just Sports
The statute's becoming an increasingly important tool to prevent sexual assault.
Michael Sliwinski | March 2, 2016
Ransomware: Holding Our Digital Lives Hostage?
Why is ransomware so effective?
Michael Sliwinski | February 21, 2016
Stadium Deals: The High Price of Your Home Team
The cost has become huge.
Michael Sliwinski | February 16, 2016
Why Does Peace in Syria Remain Elusive?
Where each of the major players stand.
Michael Sliwinski | February 11, 2016
Iran’s Leadership: Inside the Complex Regime
Who is in charge in Iran?
Michael Sliwinski | January 30, 2016
Going Green: The Future of Renewable Energy is Getting Brighter
The future looks bright and green.
Michael Sliwinski | January 28, 2016
Finding El Chapo: What his Arrest Means for Mexico and the Drug Trade
Will it make a difference?
Michael Sliwinski | January 21, 2016
The Evolution of Activism: From the Streets to Social Media
While the process has changed, the fundamentals have not.
Michael Sliwinski | January 15, 2016
What’s Going on in Oregon? Domestic Terrorism in the Beaver State
How do the Bundy's fit into the history of right-wing violence?
Michael Sliwinski | December 30, 2015
Rising Homicides in Some American Cities: What’s Actually Going on?
What's going in our cities?
Michael Sliwinski | December 29, 2015
The Middle Class is Shrinking: Why Does it Matter?
The middle-class is no longer the majority of the country.
Michael Sliwinski | December 18, 2015
An Over-Supply of Underpriced Oil: Explaining the New Energy Crisis
Why is oil so cheap?
Michael Sliwinski | December 14, 2015
The Cost of Terrorism: How is ISIS Funded?
Following the money behind ISIS.
Michael Sliwinski | December 4, 2015
Mali: A Tale of Two Countries?
What caused the recent attack in Mali?