All posts by Michael Sliwinski

Michael Sliwinski | April 11, 2015
Garissa Massacre: Al Shabab’s Role in Kenya
Who was responsible for the horrible Garissa Massacre?
Michael Sliwinski | April 4, 2015
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: Threat to the Financial System?
Will the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) change the global financial system for good?
Michael Sliwinski | March 29, 2015
The Forgotten WMDs: Chemical Weapons
Have our efforts to ban chemical weapons gone anywhere?
Michael Sliwinski | March 21, 2015
The U.S. Government: A House Divided on Foreign Policy
The Iran letter and Netanyahu's Congressional invitation is nothing new. Check out the history of foreign policy dissension.
Michael Sliwinski | March 15, 2015
ISIS and the Terrorist Social Network
How ISIS uses social media to gain supporters, spread its message, and solicit money.
Michael Sliwinski | March 7, 2015
Russia’s Aggressive Foreign Policy
Putin's aggressive foreign policy is making a splash. Will it work?
Michael Sliwinski | February 27, 2015
The Philippines: A U.S. Ally Grapples with Terrorism
The United States and the Philippines are working together to fight terrorism.
Michael Sliwinski | February 21, 2015
Myanmar or Burma: Conflict in a Country With Two Names
The latest on the protracted conflict in Myanmar/Burma.
Michael Sliwinski | February 14, 2015
India: A Superpower on the Rise?
India may be a superpower on the rise, but the nation still faces many challenges.
Michael Sliwinski | February 8, 2015
Saudi Arabia: Succession in the Chaos
There's a new monarch in Saudi Arabia, but what new challenges will he face?
Michael Sliwinski | January 31, 2015
Yemen: Anarchy at the Edge of the Arabian Peninsula
Yemen's government has fallen into chaos, but what impact will that have on global politics?
Michael Sliwinski | January 25, 2015
Right-Wing Groups in Europe: A Rising Force?
After the economic crisis and the influx of immigration, right-wing groups are on the rise in Europe.
Michael Sliwinski | January 18, 2015
Middle East Politics: What Issues are Affecting the Region?
Politics in the Middle East have been turbulent. Here are some of the major issues plaguing the region....
Michael Sliwinski | January 11, 2015
The US and North Korea: The Relationship at the 38th Parallel
The US and North Korea have had an acrimonious relationship for over sixty years. But why?
Michael Sliwinski | January 6, 2015
The U.S. and Cuba: The Path to Normalized Relations
Time to head to Cuba! But first here's a look at the countries' complicated history.
Michael Sliwinski | December 30, 2014
Hacking: The New Kind of Warfare
Hacking is a new way for nations and non-state actors to fight wars and gain advantages.
Michael Sliwinski | December 19, 2014
The High Cost of Falling Oil Prices
The price you pay at the pump has dropped precipitously, but there are some steep consequences.
Michael Sliwinski | December 12, 2014
Hunger: An Intractable Problem With a Myriad of Causes
Hunger isn't just a developing-world problem, it's in our own backyard too.
Michael Sliwinski | December 6, 2014
Space: The Final Frontier…Again!
America terminated its space program in 2011, but private companies are carrying the torch.
Michael Sliwinski | December 5, 2014
Ending Modern Day Slavery
30 million people worldwide are trapped in slavery.
Michael Sliwinski | November 21, 2014
China as a Military Threat: What Does It Mean for the U.S.?
China is a growing military threat not only throughout Asia, but to the United States.