All posts by Mariam Jaffery

Mariam Jaffery | June 21, 2016
After Orlando Shooting, Trump Fans the Flames of Islamophobia
Trump's latest round of comments show a hostility towards the Muslim community.
Mariam Jaffery | June 16, 2016
“The Walking Dead” Fan Page Threatened with Lawsuit for Spoilers
Fear The Walking Dead (spoilers).
Mariam Jaffery | June 7, 2016
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Bans Boycotts Against Israel
Cuomo issued an Executive Order preventing organizations and companies from participating in the BDS movement.
Mariam Jaffery | June 3, 2016
#WearOrange Brings Attention to Gun Violence in America
On National Gun Violence Awareness Day, public figures and ordinary individuals called for an end to gun violence.
Mariam Jaffery | May 25, 2016
#FreePurvi: Women’s Health Advocates Rally Around Woman Convicted of Feticide
Patel's team appealed the 20-year sentence she received for terminating her own pregnancy.
Mariam Jaffery | May 20, 2016
Judge Says D.C. Residents Don’t Need “Good Reason” for Concealed-Carry Permits
It's a little easier to buy a gun in D.C.
Mariam Jaffery | May 18, 2016
Senate Approves Bill To Allow People to Sue Saudi Arabia for 9/11
President Obama disapproves of the legislation, which could potentially impact U.S.-Saudi relations.
Mariam Jaffery | May 13, 2016
People Are Suing Their Governments for Contributing to Climate Change
Will lawsuits finally force countries to act?
Mariam Jaffery | May 10, 2016
Minnie Driver And Her Neighbor Are In a Bizarre Legal Dispute Involving Baby Food Jars
The actress and her neighbor have some bad blood.
Mariam Jaffery | May 7, 2016
Italian Court Says Stealing Food Isn’t a Crime If You’re Poor and Hungry
A story to give you some hope for humanity.
Mariam Jaffery | May 4, 2016
Trump is the Apparent Republican Nominee, and the GOP Establishment Is Confused
#NeverTrump? #NeverClinton? Neither?
Mariam Jaffery | May 3, 2016
Deja Vu: Starbucks Faces (Another) Lawsuit For Underfilling Drinks
Another month, another lawsuit against Starbucks.
Mariam Jaffery | April 30, 2016
Snapchat Faces Lawsuit After App Usage Causes Car Accident
The "miles per hour" filter has been the cause of multiple car accidents.
Mariam Jaffery | April 28, 2016
Cruz-Fiorina: The Trump Takedown Team Is Here, But Is It Too Late?
Fiorina is in as Ted Cruz's VP choice, but it may be too late to make a difference....
Mariam Jaffery | April 26, 2016
Is the Russian Military’s Powerful New Weapon a Bunch of Dolphins?
The purchase of 5 new dolphins by the Russian Military brings up a lot of questions.
Mariam Jaffery | April 24, 2016
Obama Doesn’t Want Families To Sue Saudi Arabia Over 9/11
A piece of bipartisan legislation could have implications for U.S.-Saudi relations.
Mariam Jaffery | April 21, 2016
Whole Foods Shoots Down Claims of Homophobia Against Openly Gay Pastor
The facts don't really add up.
Mariam Jaffery | April 14, 2016
What Led to the Shooting Death of NFL Star Will Smith?
Many questions remain unanswered.
Mariam Jaffery | April 8, 2016
Why Hundreds of Refugees are Being Shuffled Around Europe
The EU-Turkey deal to stem the flow of refugees is problematic.
Mariam Jaffery | April 1, 2016
Top Stars on U.S. Women’s Soccer Step Up Their Fight For Wage Equality
The Women's World Cup champs filed a complaint against U.S. Soccer, alleging wage discrimination.
Mariam Jaffery | March 31, 2016
“Hamilton” Accused of Reverse Racism with Casting Call
An ad seeking "non-white" actors for roles is being accused of violating the law.
Mariam Jaffery | March 30, 2016
Georgia Governor Strikes Down Religious Liberty Bill
A conservative governor sides with LGBT rights.
Mariam Jaffery | March 25, 2016
Jian Ghomeshi’s Acquittal Provokes Debates on Victim-Blaming and Consent
As popular Canadian radio show host found not guilty, people rally to support his accusers.
Mariam Jaffery | March 24, 2016
Pro-Gun Activist Shot By 4-Year-Old Son to Face Charges
Jamie Gilt had bragged online that her son gets "jacked up" to shoot.
Mariam Jaffery | March 24, 2016
Kardashians Sued for Not Promoting Makeup Line
The troubled "Kardashian Beauty" brand has had its share of legal troubles.
Mariam Jaffery | March 22, 2016
Angry Latte Drinkers Sue Starbucks for Underfilling Cups
Could this mean a latte legal problems for the company?
Mariam Jaffery | March 19, 2016
A Sampling of the Craziest Beliefs Held By Ted Cruz’s New Foreign Policy Adviser
The musings of a conspiracy theorist.
Mariam Jaffery | March 17, 2016
Kerry Says ISIS “Responsible for Genocide”: What Does That Mean?
More than just stating the obvious.
Mariam Jaffery | December 15, 2015
Uber, Airbnb: Is the “Sharing Economy” Dangerous?
Lax regulations could spell out big problems for consumers and workers.
Mariam Jaffery | November 6, 2015
An End to China’s One-Child Policy: What Does it Mean?
A huge departure from the last three and a half decades.