All posts by Noel Diem

Noel Diem | July 16, 2015
Is Amazon’s New Self-Publishing Pay-By-Page Policy Good For Writers?
How much money can writers make when paid by the number of pages read?
Noel Diem | July 9, 2015
Is Your Grocery Bill Breaking the Bank? It’s Not Just Whole Foods
Your gut was right all along -- Whole Foods has been overcharging you for those artisinal cheeses.
Noel Diem | June 20, 2015
Judicial Bias: What’s Morality Got to do With It?
What is judicial bias and what can be done about it?
Noel Diem | June 6, 2015
Obesity Lawsuits: Who’s to Blame When Fast Food Makes You Fat?
States are starting to ban obesity lawsuits, so whose fault is it when burgers make you fat?
Noel Diem | May 28, 2015
Use PayPal’s Bill Me Later? You Might Get a Refund Due to Shady Practices
The PayPal credit card controversy has set many users on edge.
Noel Diem | May 21, 2015
Police Brutality and the Mentally Ill in America
What rules do the police have to follow when dealing with mentally ill suspects?
Noel Diem | May 13, 2015
Who Owns a Dance? The Complexities of Copyrighting Choreography
Who owns the moves to your favorite dance?
Noel Diem | April 29, 2015
Already Heard That One? Problems in Comedy Plagiarism
What can comedians do to keep others from stealing their work?
Noel Diem | April 26, 2015
Should Parents Pay the Price if Their Children Skip School?
Harsh truancy laws can land parents in jail when their kids skip school.
Noel Diem | April 18, 2015
Gifted and Talented Programs: Are They Reaching All Qualified Students?
Gifted and talented programs aren't offered in many urban school districts where students would benefit.
Noel Diem | April 8, 2015
Non-Profit Organizations: What are the Rules?
What are the legal regulations that non-profit organizations have to follow?
Noel Diem | April 4, 2015
Here’s What You Can Expect When You’re Called For Jury Duty
Most people don't want to get jury duty, but do we actually know what it entails?
Noel Diem | March 26, 2015
Re-Writing the Classics: What Are Your Fanfiction Rights?
The legal side to writing fan fiction and creating fan art.
Noel Diem | March 20, 2015
What’s the Verdict? The Truth Behind TV Court Shows
What exactly goes on in TV court shows like "Judge Judy?" Are they real?
Noel Diem | March 10, 2015
California Workers’ Compensation: A Flawed System?
The workers compensation system receives a lot of bad press, particularly in California over gender bias.
Noel Diem | March 6, 2015
The Battle Over the “Welfare Queen” Law in California
The applicability of the "welfare queen law" is up for debate in California. Will it get repealed?
Noel Diem | February 17, 2015
Teen Sexting: What are the Legal Consequences?
Teen sexting is a fairly new and complicated phenomenon--but what are the legal consequences?
Noel Diem | February 12, 2015
Televised Trials: Should Cameras Be Allowed in the Supreme Court?
Should the American people be able to see the oral arguments in SCOTUS?
Noel Diem | February 5, 2015
What New Ethical Concerns Affect Online Journalism?
What new ethical concerns do writers have to be mindful of in the online journalism industry?
Noel Diem | January 29, 2015
Medical Care for Minors: Who Calls the Shots?
Medical care for minors sometimes pits teens against their parents.
Noel Diem | January 23, 2015
Streaming Music: Good Business or an Attack on Artists?
Streaming music is a new fad in the music industry, but what effects will it have?
Noel Diem | January 18, 2015
Bullying in Schools: Who Gets the Blame?
Bullying is a big issue. When it happens, whose fault is it?
Noel Diem | January 6, 2015
From Your Finances to Social Media Accounts, What Happens After Death?
From your money to your social media accounts, here's why it's essential to create a legally binding will.
Noel Diem | January 2, 2015
Comedy or Cable: Where Do Americans Get Their News?
With so much media at our fingertips, how do most Americans consume news?
Noel Diem | December 20, 2014
The Gray Area in Memoir Writing: When Can You Name Names?
When is it OK to name names when you write your memoir?
Noel Diem | December 10, 2014
Freedom of Speech and Social Media
What are your rights on social media and how does the first amendment come into play?
Noel Diem | December 4, 2014
Ferguson and the Effect of Social Media Activism
For better or worse social media had a major effect on the way the public at large interacted...
Noel Diem | November 27, 2014
Does Greek Life Serve a Purpose on Today’s College Campus?
With all the headlines recently about hazing and sexual assault, what is the value of Greek life on...
Noel Diem | November 21, 2014
School Dress Codes: Are Yoga Pants Really the Problem?
Now teachers police yoga pants as part of the dress code. What message does this send to students?
Noel Diem | November 5, 2014
Social Media Oversharing: Why Do We Do It?
Social media oversharing is the norm--why do we do it?