All posts by Kevin Rizzo

Kevin Rizzo | March 18, 2016
Should We Trust Financial Advisers?
Fraud might be more common than you think.
Kevin Rizzo | March 15, 2016
Lawsuit Grants Some 17-Year-Old Ohioans the Right to Vote
A small step to expand the right to vote.
Kevin Rizzo | March 14, 2016
Donald Trump and the Violence that Follows Him
Why we should hold Trump accountable.
Kevin Rizzo | March 11, 2016
Senate Passes Bill to Fight Opioid Addiction and Abuse
A rare bi-partisan triumph.
Kevin Rizzo | March 9, 2016
The “Economic Betrayal” Hurting Millennials
Thanks, baby boomers.
Kevin Rizzo | March 3, 2016
Mitt Romney’s Last Stand
Republicans aren't going down without a fight.
Kevin Rizzo | March 1, 2016
Super Tuesday 2016: What to Expect
Things are about to get interesting.
Kevin Rizzo | February 24, 2016
Do We Need a Political Revolution?
A more realistic approach: reform.
Kevin Rizzo | February 24, 2016
A Bold Plan to Fix Government Dysfunction
An approach to government reform that might actually work.
Kevin Rizzo | February 24, 2016
The Government is Broken, Can We Fix it?
One political scientist's bold plan for reform.
Kevin Rizzo | February 22, 2016
After Last Weekend, All Eyes are on Super Tuesday
There's a lot of delegates up for grabs next Tuesday.
Kevin Rizzo | February 12, 2016
How do Superdelegates Work? And Why are People so Mad?
Everyone's favorite subject: delegate math.
Kevin Rizzo | February 3, 2016
Trump Might Not be a Gracious Loser After All
He's apparently not a classy loser after all.
Kevin Rizzo | February 2, 2016
Five Takeaways from the Iowa Caucuses
What matters from Monday night.
Kevin Rizzo | January 27, 2016
2016 is Here: What are the Differences Between Caucuses and Primaries?
What's about to happen in Iowa and New Hampshire?
Kevin Rizzo | January 20, 2016
Violent Crime Ticks up Slightly in First Half of 2015
Where are the biggest increases in crime?
Kevin Rizzo | January 19, 2016
Dangerous Cities Over 200,000: Detroit, St. Louis See Big Changes
See how crime is changing across the United States.
Kevin Rizzo | January 19, 2016
Dangerous Cities Under 200,000: Mixed Bag of Results for Early 2015 Crime
See how crime is changing across the United States.
Kevin Rizzo | January 19, 2016
Safest Cities: Five of Top 10 See Crime Decrease in First Half of 2015
See how crime is changing across the United States.
Kevin Rizzo | January 13, 2016
Supreme Court Deems Florida Death Penalty Sentencing Unconstitutional
How will this affect the state with the second highest number of death row inmates?
Kevin Rizzo | December 23, 2015
Rand Paul Wins Twitter with Festivus Rant
This might be the best use of social media by a campaign yet.
Kevin Rizzo | December 23, 2015
Crime Rates in the Most Popular U.S. Travel Destinations
What does crime look like the America's most popular cities?
Kevin Rizzo | December 22, 2015
As Anti-Islamic Rhetoric Grows, Hate Crime Against Muslims May be Rising
But there's a lot we still don't know.
Kevin Rizzo | December 17, 2015
GOP Debate: Candidates Fight Over Who is the Toughest
For GOP candidates, toughness is a virtue.
Kevin Rizzo | December 16, 2015
Did the EPA Illegally Lobby the American People?
The EPA may have crossed the line.
Kevin Rizzo | December 15, 2015
Was the Paris Climate Agreement a Success?
A historic agreement with a long way to go.
Kevin Rizzo | December 11, 2015
Affirmative Action Makes its Way Back to the Supreme Court
Will the court end affirmative action?
Kevin Rizzo | December 7, 2015
Crime in America 2016: Top 15 Most Dangerous Metro Areas
Check out the top 15 most dangerous metro areas in the United States.
Kevin Rizzo | December 7, 2015
Crime in America 2016: Interactive Crime Map of U.S. Metro Areas
What's crime like in your city?
Kevin Rizzo | December 7, 2015
Crime in America 2016: Safest & Most Dangerous Midwest Metros
Check out the Safest & Most Dangerous Metros in the Midwest.