All posts by John Gomis

John Gomis | October 24, 2014
The Senate Filibuster: On Its Way Out?
The ability to filibuster has long been an important tool for the United States Senate and some state...
John Gomis | October 21, 2014
Publicity Law: The Line Between Creativity and Identity Theft
In such a celebrity-obsessed society, famous peoples' identities are sometimes co-opted for other reasons.
John Gomis | October 10, 2014
Affirmative Action Laws: A History of Political Controversy
In our increasingly diverse society, one debate that's pretty common to hear floating around is about "affirmative action."...
John Gomis | September 23, 2014
Conflict of Interest: The ABA’s Guidelines and What They Mean
Conflicts of interest are a tough field for law firms and individual lawyers to navigate.
John Gomis | September 17, 2014
Debating Minimum Wage in America
The minimum wage was first created to ensure that workers are protected from being underpaid for their work;...
John Gomis | September 12, 2014
U.S. Copyright Law: Enough Protection for Artists?
Do U.S. copyright laws do their jobs?
John Gomis | September 5, 2014
The Fair Sentencing Act Aims to Align Drug Sentencing Disparities
As a part of the "war on drugs," a law was passed in 1986 that criminalized the use...
John Gomis | January 31, 2014
Advisory Opinions in Federal Courts: Forbidden Territory
Advisory opinions are essentially pieces of advice offered by courts as a way to provide guidance on a...
John Gomis | December 4, 2013
Fair Use: Is it Really Fair?
Fair use is a gray area of the law that allows courts to make fact-specific determinations of infringement....
John Gomis | November 19, 2013
Criminal Trials on TV: What’s the Verdict?
Sensational criminal trials on TV are becoming the norm, from OJ Simpson to Jodi Arias. But should they...
John Gomis | October 8, 2013
SOPA: The Argument is Over, but the Dust Hasn’t Settled
SOPA was a major controversy in the internet community several years ago. What happened and where does internet...