All posts tagged "Susan Collins"
Anneliese Mahoney | July 28, 2017
RantCrush Top 5: July 28, 2017
Happy Friday!
Anneliese Mahoney | July 26, 2017
RantCrush Top 5: July 26, 2017
Trump announces his newest ban (via Twitter).
Emma Von Zeipel | June 30, 2017
RantCrush Top 5: June 30, 2017
Melania Trump’s Cyberbullying Campaign is Off to a Rough Start.
Alec Siegel | May 31, 2017
Where Do the Trump Team and Congress Stand on the Paris Climate Accord?
Reports indicate that Trump will withdraw the U.S. from the climate deal.
Victoria Sheridan | February 17, 2017
Senator Susan Collins Says She’ll Oppose Trump’s EPA Pick
The senator has crossed party lines on issues like abortion, same-sex marriage, and the 2016 election.
Alec Siegel | February 7, 2017
Democrats Stage Final, Futile Stand Against Betsy DeVos
DeVos was confirmed 51-50, with VP Mike Pence breaking the tie.
Anneliese Mahoney | March 17, 2016
Americans Tell the Senate: #DoYourJob
They should be considering Merrick Garland.
Society for Women's Health Research | January 5, 2016
The Personal Care Products Safety Act: Modernizing Outdated Regulations
A cause we should all be supporting.