All posts by Chris Schultz

Chris Schultz is a Midwestern country boy who is a graduate of Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa and holds a bachelors degree in History. He is interested in learning about the various ocean liners that have sailed the world’s waters along with a variety of other topics. Contact Chris at
Chris Schultz | February 28, 2015
Department of Homeland Security: The Rise of National Security After 9/11
The DHS came to fruition after the horrifying terrorist attacks of 9/11.
Chris Schultz | February 15, 2015
The National Prayer Breakfast: History and Controversies
The National Prayer Breakfast is a long tradition in the United States; how did it start?
Chris Schultz | February 6, 2015
The Keystone XL Pipeline: Economic Breakthrough or Environmental Disaster?
They Keystone XL Pipeline is currently up for political debate--but what are the arguments for and against it?
Chris Schultz | February 1, 2015
The Syriza Party: A Fresh Start for Greece?
The Syriza Party has risen to power in Greece. Here's what their election means for Greece.
Chris Schultz | January 22, 2015
The Jones Act: Outdated or Vital?
The Jones Act is up for debate in Congress right now. What will they decide?
Chris Schultz | January 16, 2015
Sharia Law: History and Modern Application
Wondering about Sharia Law? Find out more about where it comes from and how it's applied today.
Chris Schultz | January 9, 2015
Safety on the High Seas: Who Makes the Rules?
Here's a basic understanding of the that keep cruise passengers safe.