
RantCrush Top 5: October 10, 2016

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Aussie Man Jailed For Trying To Protect His Daughter

The issue of child pornography is, in the view of an overwhelming majority of people, a no brainer. The abuse of children through the creation and distribution of child pornography is a criminal act and one which cannot be tolerated. However, as with all zero-tolerance policies there can be shockingly unintended consequences.

A recent case in Australia saw a father who, worried about his daughter sharing “sexts” with a boy, copied the images onto a drive to be used as evidence. The father has now found himself convicted of possession of child pornography. Despite the issue of child pornography being very clear, nuance, as always, has brought up reasonable questions about how we should handle these types of fringe cases.

It is also worth considering how technology has created this new environment of uncertainty. Teens experimenting and exploring their sexuality together is hardly a new phenomenon, but today, technology has brought this exploration into a realm that risks exposure to the public and, unintentionally, can be a criminal act.


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