
Orlando Shooting: How did Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Respond?

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In the wake of a tragic shooting in Orlando, Florida early June 12, President Barack Obama addressed the nation in a televised press conference, while presidential candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton took to Twitter to comment. Here’s a tweet-by-tweet look at how each candidate responded to the national tragedy.

Trump sent out the first tweet, about two hours after Orlando police tweeted that the shooter was dead.

Clinton followed, expressing her concern as she awaited new information.

Trump did not tweet exclusively about the event, but tweeted more frequently than Clinton throughout the day.

Clinton posted Spanish translations of select tweets.

Trump tweeted in anticipation of Obama’s address to the nation.

Clinton’s account quoted her throughout her public statement.

Trump brought the election into the conversation.

Clinton addressed the LGBT community and expressed her thoughts about gun control.

Trump ended the day’s tweets by commenting on what he felt the nation needed from its leadership.

Even though each candidate chose to address the tragedy differently, they both were united in sharing their condolences for the victims and their families.

Samantha Reilly
Samantha Reilly is an editorial intern at Law Street Media. A New Jersey native, she is pursuing a B.A. in Journalism from the University of Maryland, College Park. Contact Samantha at SReilly@LawStreetMedia.com.



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