Avocados are really popular worldwide right now, and a shortage of the fruit has led to soaring prices. But avocados could actually hurt more than your wallet. An increasingly common injury called “avocado hand” has caused the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgeons to call for safety labels to be put on the fruit as a precaution. Apparently, a lot of people can’t handle avocados properly and cut themselves when slicing them open. This can cause serious nerve and tendon injuries that require surgery–many patients don’t even recover their full use of their hand or fingers.
There is no data on how many avocado injuries have occurred in the U.S., as our hospitals currently don’t “track kitchen injuries by ingredient,” notes The New York Times. The Times of London called it a global phenomenon, and in the U.S. there was a case of a woman who received a $20,000 hospital bill due to an avocado injury. This could probably have been avoided with some common sense, but either way, maybe a safety label on the fruit is a good idea.
Emma Von Zeipel is a staff writer at Law Street Media. She is originally from one of the islands of Stockholm, Sweden. After working for Democratic Voice of Burma in Thailand, she ended up in New York City. She has a BA in journalism from Stockholm University and is passionate about human rights, good books, horses, and European chocolate. Contact Emma at EVonZeipel@LawStreetMedia.com.