RantCrush Top 5: June 8, 2016
Welcome to the RantCrush Top 5, where we take you through the top five controversial and crazy stories in the world of law and policy each day. So who is ranting and who is raving today? Check it out below:
Why Are People Overdosing On Anti-Diarrhea Drugs?
It seems like America’s drug problem has reached a bizarre new low. People are taking crazy high doses of anti-poop meds, like Imodium, to get high. Sounds like the plot of a comedy sketch, I know, but this is serious. The appeal comes from users being able to achieve heroin-like highs from taking 300 mgs of the meds at once. National poison control centers are reporting a 71 percent increase in calls involving anti-diarrhea drug overdoses, but the FDA doesn’t have enough information yet to tackle the issue.
WARNING: It’s a heroin like high, all from taking anti-diarrhea drugs. FDA issues warning. https://t.co/mxXMYoFaMg pic.twitter.com/RRBi8oXY9L
— Tim Williams (@realtimwilliams) June 8, 2016
