Many think the book “1984” has never felt more relevant than it does right now, but a new play that just opened on Broadway may be a little bit too real for some. Just like in the book, the play features a man who illegally falls in love in a dystopian future where Big Brother watches your every move and thought. The government uses brainwashing and propaganda to control its citizens. When protagonist Winston Smith is taken into custody and tortured, the stage is lit up with sterile white light and a strobe light starts flashing. Words like “fingertips” or “teeth” are shouted out. According to reviews, “blood is spattered and spit out; at least one beating about the face.” There is a mock electrocution, a lot of blood, and “nerve-shredding sound effects.”
During previews in London, several audience members fainted and vomited. After one show, police had to break up a fight that erupted. During the New York premiere last week, at least one person passed out. The actors apparently have suffered from broken bones because of the violent fight and torture scenes. “We’re not trying to be willfully assaultive or exploitatively shock people, but there’s nothing here or in the disturbing novel that isn’t happening right now, somewhere around the world: People are being detained without trial, tortured, and executed,” said co-writer and co-director Duncan Macmillan.
Emma Von Zeipel is a staff writer at Law Street Media. She is originally from one of the islands of Stockholm, Sweden. After working for Democratic Voice of Burma in Thailand, she ended up in New York City. She has a BA in journalism from Stockholm University and is passionate about human rights, good books, horses, and European chocolate. Contact Emma at