There are always a lot of crazy things going on in Times Square, but for the past few weeks a man has made good use of being VP-elect Mike Pence’s doppelganger. Gay graphic designer Glenn Pannell happens to look just like Pence–so he’s walking around pantless collecting donations for LGBT causes. Pannell named his alter ego “Mike Hot-Pence” and said he has collected around $2,300 in just two weekends. “Those charities will really need a lot of help [with Pence as vice president]… and so I am hitting back now with Mike Hot-Pence,” he said. More people like Mike Hot-Pence, please.
Emma Von Zeipel is a staff writer at Law Street Media. She is originally from one of the islands of Stockholm, Sweden. After working for Democratic Voice of Burma in Thailand, she ended up in New York City. She has a BA in journalism from Stockholm University and is passionate about human rights, good books, horses, and European chocolate. Contact Emma at