
RantCrush Top 5: August 25, 2016

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Obama’s Lesbian Farmers

Rush Limbaugh–a permanent passenger on the crazy train–has come up with a new great conspiracy theory. Are you sitting down for this one?


Ok, good. Rush Limbaugh thinks that the Obama Administration is trying to convince lesbians to become farmers so that they can invade Republican states.

Apparently, this crazy conspiracy theory was sparked by the Iowa LGBT Rural Summit, which was in part put on by the USDA. There were events focused on things like loans and grants for the LGBT community in rural areas–because news flash, Rush, LGBT people exist everywhere!

The Washington Free Beacon wrote about the event saying “the all-day summit will teach lesbian and transgender hillbillies how to get subsidies from the government like rural housing loans and ‘community facility grants” and somehow Rush turned that into “lesbian farmers are invading rural parts of America.”

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