
Top 10 Halloween Costumes for People Obsessed with the Presidential Election

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If you haven't gotten your Halloween costume together yet and you're not interested in blending in with a sea of people dressed as "Suicide Squad's" Harley Quinn or Pennywise-inspired killer clowns, don't worry, we're here to help. We've gotten enough inspiration from this presidential election circus cycle to get your DIY creative juices flowing. Here are the top ten Halloween costumes for the presidential election-obsessed!

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4. Basket of Deplorables

Ahh, who could forget Hillary saying that half of Trump’s supporters  belong in a “basket of deplorables?” Turn that campaign misstep into a costume by finding a giant wicker basket, cutting it to fit around your body, and then filling it with tons of little white pieces of paper with the word “deplorable” on them. It might take you a while to make and your writing hand might be sore after, but trust me, it will be worth it.

Alexis Evans
Alexis Evans is an Assistant Editor at Law Street and a Buckeye State native. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and a minor in Business from Ohio University. Contact Alexis at



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