Is There a Serial Killer on the Loose in Phoenix?
If you are currently living in or visiting Phoenix, Arizona, stay vigilant: there may be a serial killer on the loose. Local authorities announced this week that they believe that seven recent killings in the city are all connected–the work of a man who many are calling “the serial street shooter.”
The series of shootings in the Phoenix area began in mid-March when a 16-year-old boy who was shot, but not killed, while walking on the street late at night. The very next night, March 18, a 21-year-old man was also shot and wounded. The crimes escalated into killings from there, with two people shot and killed in April, then two in early June. The final three killings happened on June 12 in front of the victims’ home. The victims were all pictured in an NBC tweet this morning.
After 7 murders, apparent nighttime serial killer has Phoenix on edge. https://t.co/9rDvi8lkHX pic.twitter.com/I4hRWfM5uC
— NBC Nightly News (@NBCNightlyNews) July 14, 2016
The shootings have taken place in the Maryvale area of Phoenix, known for being a low-income neighborhood. A map was released depicting the locations of the eight shootings.
Though there is a locational connection, the police have not released any other links between victims or the shooter.
Police have only recently deemed these slayings part of a larger plan. Up until this week, there was no publicized connection between the eight shootings. This week, the police labeled the shooter a serial killer, killing these people for no apparent reason. Now, a sketch artist’s depiction of the man based off of eye witness testimony has been released to the public.
Possible serial killer behind 7 murders in Phoenix, police say. @Miguelnbc reports now #NBCNightlyNews pic.twitter.com/U07iNLOizD
— NBC Nightly News (@NBCNightlyNews) July 13, 2016
Additional information about the suspect indicates that he is most likely a light skinned Latino or white male in his 20s.
This shocking update to the recent shootings has people all over Phoenix on edge. Members of the community are scared to go out at night. The families of the victims are afraid to reveal their identities. One of the victims’ sister was quoted in an interview with a Phoenix news station, saying:
It’s unbelievable that there is this monster that has done so much harm, that nobody is coming forward. All of these people were so good. Good people with good families. And now they are gone in the blink of an eye because of a monster.
Not just asking for the public to report any suspicious vehicle or persons. But [it] want[s] them to report any unfamiliar vehicle or person that comes into their neighborhood.
