
Top Five Funniest Hillary Clinton Emails from the Recent Release

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Hillary Clinton’s emails have become a weird point of contention in the 2016 Presidential primaries. After it was discovered that she had sent emails from a private email address while serving as Secretary of State, many critics clamored for her to release them. Slowly, they’ve been declassified, and we’ve truly gotten to see some gems along the way. Here are the top five funniest Hillary Clinton emails from the most recent declassification:

5. She Really Likes Tea and Good TV

Who doesn’t love a warm cup of tea from their own teacup? Also, “The Good Wife” is a fantastic show, and I’m sure Leslie Knope would be thrilled to hear one of her heroines is a big fan of “Parks and Rec.”

4. Hillary’s “hPad”

In one email, Clinton receives a notification that her new iPad has arrived. She’s very excited about this fact, and tells Huma Abedin “This is exciting news–do you think you can teach me to use it on the flight to Kiev next week?” For some reason in the subject line she calls it an “hpad”–is that a typo or a cute play on her first initial? All we know is that she’s generally pretty excited about the internet.

41 Times Hillary Clinton Was Outta Control Sassy

3. Hillz Was the Only One in DC Who Didn’t Celebrate a Snow Day

To be fair, this city can be paralyzed over approximately one inch of snow, and it’s a bit embarrassing.

2. Hillary’s Shoe Problems

Apparently, she at one point lost a shoe while going to greet former French President Nicholas Sarkozy. But like a true champ, she laughs it off, and seems quite amused by her clumsiness. She wrote:

Thx, but did you see the photos of my shoe falling off as I reached the top step of the Elysee to be created by Sarkozy? Very funny–I’ll bring them to show you.

That’s certainly a significantly better response than her last shoe incident. 

1. The Famous Gefilte Fish Email

This email has now gone pretty viral. It’s been heralded as the funniest of the bunch, and I tend to agree.

While there’s a longer context attached to this email, the combination of the subject line and the email itself are too fantastically hilarious to ignore. 

Anneliese Mahoney
Anneliese Mahoney is Managing Editor at Law Street and a Connecticut transplant to Washington D.C. She has a Bachelor’s degree in International Affairs from the George Washington University, and a passion for law, politics, and social issues. Contact Anneliese at amahoney@LawStreetMedia.com.



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