Capitalista Careers
Shout It Loud, Shout It Proud. What Your Interviewer Should Know
In my last post, we talked about what you shouldn’t share with a potential new boss on an interview. Today we’re looking at what you should say. What you should shout from the rooftops, what could be the difference between yourself and another candidate. Below are some thoughts on what you should definitely make known during your time in the interview chair. Again, these really should be obvious. But you know how it gets in an interview. The lights get bright, your palms get sweaty, shit gets real. A refresher never hurt anyone.
That you did your homework. Show the employer that you took the time to look into the company and the position. Quote the website! Quote LinkedIn! Don’t quote their personal Facebook…too far, too far.
If you did something really amazing at your old job. Did you implement a new system? Did you select the company’s logo that everyone loves? Did you help strategize a marketing plan? Were you always on time? Whatever you did, shout it loud, shout it proud. Now is not the time to be bashful. They want to know they’re making a solid decision hiring you. That you have something to contribute. So, voice your accomplishments. You can be confident without being cocky.
That you are eager to learn. If something comes up in the interview that you don’t know anything about, let them know that you’re a fast learner. Give an example of a time that you overcame a challenge in order to contribute to the team.
That you’re a team player. Employers have no interest in bringing someone on board who isn’t willing to work with the other staff. Talk about how you appreciate sharing ideas and thoughts.
Thank you. This is such an important last step. Even if the interview had flaws, even if you were five minutes late (but try not to be), people remember those who take the time to drop a quick message thanking them for their time. It only takes a few minutes, and it will separate you from the crowd because it is amazing how many people don’t do this. Don’t be lazy.
Happy hunting!
xo, The Capitalista
Alexandra Saville (@CapitalistaBlog) is the Media and Writing Specialist at Law Street Media. She has experience in the publishing and marketing worlds and started her own publishing company right out of college. Her blogs, The Capitalista and Capitalista Careers, focus on the young and the entrepreneurial.
Featured image courtesy of [miuenski miuenski via Flickr]
