Capitalista Careers

Passing the “Big Screen” and Landing the Interview

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As any recent job hunter knows, you usually have to go through several rounds and jump through even more hoops before you even get the interview. This is the screening process. Logically, it’s a great idea. It wastes less time on both sides of the interview. Employers don’t have to bring waste time on unqualified applicants, and stressed out job hunters don’t have to go through a series of dead-end interviews.

Businesses might have a recruiter or a company representative call an applicant prior to offering an interview just to get a few initial questions out of the way. Lucky for all of us, Monster recently released recruiters’ most popular phone screening questions. Below are a few sample questions and the best responses. Spoiler: honesty is still the best policy.

Are you currently working? One of the most uncomfortable situations is job hunting when you’re currently unemployed. What do you say? It’s so much harder to find a job if you don’t already have one to use as a stepping stone. If you’re not working at the moment, be honest about it and highlight the things that you’re working on instead. Let the recruiter know how you’re capitalizing on this time by taking a class or doing freelance or contract work.

Why are you leaving/did you leave your job? This is always awkward. While honesty is the best policy with this kind of call, it’s still important not to throw your current employer under the bus. Try to spin the reason for your search into a positive attribute. You’re hoping for a place with more growth potential, you’re looking to take the next step in your career, etc.

What hours do you expect to keep? Some positions require late nights while others need early mornings. When you first apply for the job it’s good to have some sense of the required schedule if it’s not your typical 9-5 situation. Let the recruiter know your expectations before you take a job that will occupy your life and put you right back where you started when the hours become too much.

Are you willing to relocate? We’ve all been there. It’s the heat of the moment and you really want this job. You might be tempted to speak before you think and say anything that will get your foot in the door. But guess what? If you’re not actually willing to relocate, they’re going to find out when you don’t get on the plane. Better to speak up now. They might even have some local options for you, so it won’t necessarily hurt.

What is your salary range? When switching jobs, most people hope for a salary bump. This might be another one of those times when you’re feeling a bit like groveling…don’t. If you say a number a lot lower that your actual salary range, you’ll be more stressed out than if you’re honest about it. You’ve done the research for what that position should make, you know your worth and skill set, and you know your budget. This is a good time to let the company know your needs.

Alexandra Saville (@CapitalistaBlog) is a PR & Media Outreach Manager. She has experience in the publishing and marketing worlds and started her own publishing company right out of college.

Alexandra Saville is the Media and Writing Specialist at Law Street Media. She has experience in the publishing and marketing worlds and started her own publishing company right out of college. Her blogs, The Capitalista and Capitalista Careers, focus on the young and the entrepreneurial.



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