
RantCrush Top 5: May 20, 2016

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Welcome to the RantCrush Top 5, where we take you through the top five controversial and crazy stories in the world of law and policy each day. So who is ranting and who is raving today? Check it out below:

Kanye West: “Sorry Daytime Television. Sorry for The Realness.”

You all may be thinking, man, here we go again. What did Kanye do now? Known for his 2009 VMA diss of Taylor Swift diss and numerous other social faux pas since then, Kanye sat in on the Ellen DeGeneres Show Show and took everyone on a wild, weird, and touching ride through his mind. Which, by the way, seems like a very scary place because, I mean, the man wore platinum white contacts to the Met Gala. Horrifying! Love him or hate him, he might be one of those misunderstood geniuses, or is that acid?

 Hat Says “America Was Never Great” And People Try to Silence the Hat 

This 22-year-old Home Depot employee is causing quite the stir online after sporting a pretty badass hat that says “America Was Never Great” on it. This, of course, channels a lot of anti-Trump energy and, also not a surprise, ended up pissing some people off. The young woman who wore the cap has since been reprimanded and will not be allowed to wear it to work again. Although, she says, others have been allowed to wear Trump pins and the like.

Hampden-Sydney College Professor Fired for Trans Bathroom Comments (and Promptly Rehired)

Retired Lt. Gen. William “Jerry” Boykin, a professor at Hampden-Sydney College, was terminated from for a comment that he claims sent the LGBT community on a mission against him. The comment:

…the first man who goes in the restroom with my daughter will not have to worry about surgery.

This quickly created a war of words between conservatives and liberals over PC culture and freedom of speech. Boykin was reportedly fired on Tuesday and released a statement on Facebook saying he did not agree with transgender bathroom policies and feared that “perverts” would take advantage of them. But the ensuing conservative backlash may have gotten its way in the end, as the college ended up reversing its decision and renewed Boykin’s contract. 

The  Apprentice: Trump Wanted to Do a Season That Separated Teams By Race

Several years ago, Donald Trump proposed a season of “The Apprentice” where successful black entrepreneurs compete with successful whites. While Trump acknowledged that the idea was “fairly controversial” and would be “reflective of our very vicious world,” it was not well received–at all! And so have many of Trump’s ideas since then. This is our presumptive Republican nominee, everyone, and it may be too late.

So What? Blake Lively Got Cake Topped with a Bit of 90210

We can all agree that Blake Lively is pretty hot. Most people on television are. The Gossip Girl veteran and new mother caused quite a bit of social media outrage this week after she posted an IG pic of herself captioned: “L.A. Face With an Oakland Booty.” A lot of people are saying she’s racist–appropriating features that aren’t her own. But maybe we should cut Lively some slack and let the woman celebrate her body.

L.A. face with an Oakland booty
A photo posted by Blake Lively (@blakelively) on

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