Missouri Lawmakers Override Governor’s Constitutional Carry Veto
Missouri is joining 10 other states by implementing a constitutional carry law, prompting The New York Times to dub it the “Shoot-Me State.”
Republican Missouri lawmakers overwhelmingly voted for less restrictions–a win for gun-rights advocates, overriding Democratic Governor Jay Nixon’s veto on SB 656 last week.
Citizens of Missouri will be able to carry concealed weapons without a permit, background check, or safety training under the new law. The law also institutes Stand Your Ground initiatives, known for lowering the standard for deadly use of a firearm by allowing gun owners to claim self-defense based on perceived feeling of threat.
“Missouri wants to let people carry guns with no training, even when you play Pokemon they start you off w/training” https://t.co/eg7R59haJv
— aka ✯ phil (@fak3r) September 16, 2016
Missouri:The Shoot-Me State: stand your ground, guns to people with violent records, how dumb can we get? https://t.co/qCW50H97IT
— Alexander Stille (@a_stille) September 16, 2016
Damn mfs can carry guns w/ out a license or no papers or age limit on January first in Missouri… Mfs been doing it but now it’s legal 😳😂
— #SteveeeDriveee (@DaddyZae_) September 16, 2016
The Republican controlled legislature has continuously clashed with the Democratic governor, overriding a record number of the governor’s vetoes Wednesday at 13, adding to the already 83 overrides since he took office in 2009.
Nixon vetoed the legislation in June, stating that citizens who previously may have been denied a permit or would have been denied a permit due to the background check will now be able to carry a concealed gun, according to The New York Times.
Democratic lawmakers have stated that this law will negatively affect minority communities.
“What I don’t want to get to is the point where there is a trigger-happy police officer or bad Samaritan like Zimmerman who says, ‘Black boy in the hood. Skittles. Let’s shoot,'” Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal, who represents University City, said to the AP, referencing the killing of Trayvon Martin.
On the contrary, Republican lawmakers say that this law will ensure that law-abiding citizens can adequately protect themselves and their families.
The National Rifle Association supported the bill and released a statement following its override.
In addition, concerns about law enforcement were discussed, opponents of this bill were worried that these new provisions will make officers less safe.
“It’s shameful for Missouri lawmakers to turn their backs on the people who have to go out on the street and enforce laws,” Moms Demand Action Missouri chapter leader Becky Morgan said, quoted in The Columbia Missourian. “They’ve now made being a police officer more dangerous.”
Moms Demand Actions also released a statement following the override.
Some celebrities weighed in on the action, expressing their opposition.
This. @MomsDemand flooded the State Capital to protest a new Missouri gun bill. #HerdOfMothers #badasswomen pic.twitter.com/5AU6pnIeOM
— Jenna Fischer (@jennafischer) September 17, 2016
The law will go into effect on January 1.
