St. Louis, Missouri holds its number four spot for the second year in a row despite an increase of about 5 percent in its violent crime rate per 100,000 residents. With the exception of rape, the number of crimes in each of the violent crime categories increased in 2014 from the levels in the previous year. The city saw a notable increase in murders, going from 120 in 2013 to 159 in 2014–an increase of about 32 percent. The modest increase in St. Louis’s violent crime rate in 2014 comes after seven consecutive years of decreases.
Violent Crime Rate: 1,679/100,000 people
Murder Rate: 50/100,000 people
Population: 318,574
Officer to Population Ratio: 1:230
Rank Last Year: #4
Research and analysis by Law Street’s Crime in America Team: Kevin Rizzo, Alexis Evans, and Anneliese Mahoney.
Click here for additional information on Law Street’s crime-ranking methodology.
FBI: Violent crime, population, murder, and officer statistics, measured January – December 2014.
Kevin Rizzo is the Crime in America Editor at Law Street Media. An Ohio Native, the George Washington University graduate is a founding member of the company. Contact Kevin at