Detroit, Michigan is the most dangerous city with a population over 200,000 for the third year in a row. Although Detroit remains at the top of the list, it did experience another decrease in crime, with its violent crime rate going down by 4 percent in 2014. The city saw a decrease in three of the four categories of violent crime, with drops in the number of murders, rapes, and robberies. Detroit had 18 fewer murders in 2014 than it did in the previous year, putting its total at the lowest point in 47 years. Over half of the city’s violent crimes were aggravated assaults, which went up by about 4.5 percent from the previous year. Detroit’s downward trending crime is a good sign for the city, which has been plagued with challenges after it declared bankruptcy in the summer of 2013.
Violent Crime Rate: 1,989/100,000 people
Murder Rate: 44/100,000 people
Population: 684,694
Officer to Population Ratio:1:295
Rank Last Year:#1
Research and analysis by Law Street’s Crime in America Team: Kevin Rizzo, Alexis Evans, and Anneliese Mahoney.
Click here for additional information on Law Street’s crime-ranking methodology.
FBI: Violent crime, population, murder, and officer statistics, measured January – December 2014.
Kevin Rizzo is the Crime in America Editor at Law Street Media. An Ohio Native, the George Washington University graduate is a founding member of the company. Contact Kevin at