All posts by Law Street Media Staff

Law Street Media Staff posts are written by the team at Fastcase and Law Street Media
Law Street Media Staff | October 22, 2018
Eleventh Circuit Rules Georgia Code is Uncopyrightable
On Friday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit held that the Official Code of Georgia...
Law Street Media Staff | October 21, 2018
Appellate Litigation Protip: Do Not Attach Drugs to Your Petition
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit doesn’t have this problem often. But in an October...
Law Street Media Staff | October 16, 2014
Fracking and the Environment
Fracking. The word is thrown around in newspapers, in political debates, in discussions about the future of our...
Law Street Media Staff | October 6, 2014
Russia’s Anti-Gay Laws: The Discrimination Continues
Russia's treatment of its gay citizens has long been very unforgiving.
Law Street Media Staff | September 25, 2014
DNA Testing and Criminal Law: Not Always a Perfect Match
Read on to learn about DNA testing, its benefits, and its problems.
Law Street Media Staff | August 28, 2014
Teen Driving Laws Aim to Curb High Accident Rates
Teen driving laws put restrictions on our newest drivers.
Law Street Media Staff | November 18, 2013
Stop and Frisk: Did Ending it Make a Difference?
Stop and frisk has been largely abandoned. Were proponents right and crime has gone up or are we...