Capitalista Careers

WIN a Custom-Designed Online Portfolio

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Want to set yourself apart from the competition? We can help! Law Street is launching its first #CapitalistaContest today! You can WIN a custom-designed online portfolio to assist with your job search. Want to enter? Of course you do!

To Enter:

1. Like us on Facebook
2. Share the contest post on your wall
3. Write a comment explaining why you deserve the portfolio and we’ll select a winner!

Contestants can increase their chances of winning by having others LIKE Law Street Media on Facebook and tagging your name on our wall.

Benefits of an Online Portfolio:

*Increase your online presence: When an employer googles you, your online portfolio — complete with all of your professional achievements and work samples — will appear instantly, making you a more attractive candidate.

*Display your versatile skill set: Set yourself apart from the masses by demonstrating your work and experience in a modern, relevant way.

*Earn your interview: Applicants who go the extra mile to stand out are more likely to hear from employers in a competitive market. It’s nearly impossible to convey your personality in a standard resume, but an online portfolio brings you to life for hiring managers.

In today’s competitive market, the little things you do can really make a difference. This is your chance to stand apart from the crowd! The contest deadline is February 24 — enter before it’s too late!

Happy hunting, and good luck!

xo The Capitalista

Alexandra Saville (@CapitalistaBlog) is the Media and Writing Specialist at Law Street Media. She has experience in the publishing and marketing worlds and started her own publishing company right out of college. Her blogs, The Capitalista and Capitalista Careers, focus on the young and the entrepreneurial.

Alexandra Saville is the Media and Writing Specialist at Law Street Media. She has experience in the publishing and marketing worlds and started her own publishing company right out of college. Her blogs, The Capitalista and Capitalista Careers, focus on the young and the entrepreneurial.



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