"Waiting" Courtesy of [audi_insperation via Flickr]
LSAT Anticipation: The Stages of Waiting for Grey Day
June LSAT scores are promised by the end of the week, but some LSAT experts anticipate a release earlier, sending the pre-law masses into a widespread frenzy. Shortly before LSAC releases scores, the icons in test-takers’ personal accounts go from green to grey–which is where we get the nickname “grey day.”
It’s a hard time for everyone, so with the help of some tweets (and personal experience), Law Street Media is proud to present: The Stages of Waiting for Grey Day, in increasing “obsessive-compulsion.”
8:00 a.m. If you slept at all, you’ve probably woken up and are scouring the internet for any indication of score releases so far.
10:00 a.m. You’re hoping that LSAC can make like SCOTUS and release life-altering information at 10:00. You may or may not start googling “Can I hire an intern to run my LSAT scores to me?”
#SCOTUS hit us with that good news this morning, your turn @Official_LSAT !
— Dylan Rogers Elliott (@Deelahnn) June 27, 2016
12:00 p.m. Paranoia starts to sink in as you entertain the idea that someone else might have found out their score before you.
I’m also obsessively searching “LSAT” on Twitter for that breakthrough “I got my score” tweet confirming that today is indeed the day.
— Dylan Rogers Elliott (@Deelahnn) June 27, 2016
2:00 p.m. Someone said the release would happen in the afternoon if it happened today. Someone said that this morning and yesterday, but you ignored them. Now it really, surely, it might possibly be almost time.
Patiently, I am not. #LSAT pic.twitter.com/izYojz9HD4
— KPL (@LIfeofKrystalPL) June 27, 2016
3:00 p.m. Even if scores don’t come out today, you’ve definitely strengthened some important computer skills in the process of waiting.
3:30 p.m. But you’re really hoping they come out today.
Me every time I get an email today #LSAT pic.twitter.com/uqYf4nbfzr
— Sarah Dobson (@Sadobson_87) June 27, 2016
4:00 p.m. Really, any time will do.
Brb LSAT scores come out at anytime now pic.twitter.com/6sTy1mKBzY
— Edwin ➳ (@Edlighten) June 27, 2016
4:15 p.m. Check Twitter one more time.
Ok, everyone else on Twitter is freaking out about LSAT scores today. So, I’m gonna be like this today pic.twitter.com/7rM82Vg7GP
— Nickole Durbin (@nickoledurbin10) June 27, 2016
4:30 p.m. That was all practice, really. You obviously didn’t think they would actually come out before now…
Knowing my LSAT score cold be released at any time today pic.twitter.com/6U42pz7uz6
— Jesse Hamrick (@JDH27) June 27, 2016
5:00 p.m. Once the end of the work day hits, your hope starts to sink and you might end up looking something like this:
5:20 p.m. Aggression might start setting in. Keep it together.
Waiting for my #LSAT score like… pic.twitter.com/EvCnbPYkpA
— Steven (@SteveTheScholar) June 27, 2016
6:30 p.m. Now you’re doubting every reddit thread, LSAT forum, and pre-law Twitter thread you’ve ever read.
Maybe you didn’t even take the test. Was it all a lie…?
7:00 p.m. Okay, even the experts are starting to give up on you now.
If LSAT scores were to come out now or tonight, it would be very unusual. Time to pour a tall one, and regroup for tomorrow and more torment
— Dave Killoran (@DaveKilloran) June 27, 2016
9:00 p.m. Time to sit in bed all night as if you can sleep while the weight of your future is hogging all the covers.
*Repeat it all. Until…
Good or bad, at least you know.
Good luck!
Editor’s Note: The personal journey of Alex Simone inspired this piece.
