
Law School Specialty Rankings Joint Degree Methodology

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Law Street’s Law School Specialty Rankings are based on a 100-point formula that takes into account specialty courses offered (25 points), networking and extracurricular opportunities in the discipline (20 points each), other rankings such as those published by U.S. News & World Report, College Atlas, and Find the Best (15 points), proximity to subject-relevant employment centers (10 points), and length of program (10 points). Bonus points may be awarded for a service, program, or attribute in the discipline that isn’t considered by the aforementioned criteria.

Click here to read more coverage on Law Street’s Law School Specialty Rankings 2014.

Click here to read more coverage on Law Street’s Law School Specialty Rankings 2015.

Alexis Evans
Alexis Evans is an Assistant Editor at Law Street and a Buckeye State native. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and a minor in Business from Ohio University. Contact Alexis at



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