Capitalista Careers

Resume Booster: Maximize Your Temporary Work Experience

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A history of consistent temporary work may be comparable with full time experience in the eyes of senior hiring managers. So why aren’t more millennials taking advantage of their temporary work history as resume boosters and learning experiences?

Temp jobs teach young professionals a wide variety of skills they wouldn’t have otherwise acquired. These temporary work opportunities expose young business pros to many new industries and work environments. The flexibility temp workers develop under these conditions offers desirable traits to prospective employers.

Temporary work experience ranges from part-time employment to covering for full-time employees during their absences. This type of experience is unique in that it allows employees to participate in new work environments and develop skills unique to specific industries.

In order to make the most of their temporary work experience, millennials should consider the following tips to turn their temp jobs into full-time careers.

  1. Ask for more work. Be eager to help out in the workplace. If you’ve finished the task you’ve been assigned, ask for more. You can be assigned jobs you normally wouldn’t be and develop valuable skills. Don’t waste your time waiting to be given a job, seize the opportunity by the horns!
  2. Seek new experiences. When asking for more work, try to seek projects or tasks in new fields. The variety of skills you will develop can help you market yourself better to prospective employers in the future.
  3. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. It’s better to ask for help than to complete a task incorrectly. Save your employer and yourself time by asking for specific instructions. Your employer will understand that you have plenty to learn and your dedication to the task will reflect in your work.
  4. Get to know your coworkers. Temporary work, just like every other professional experience, is an opportunity to network. The people you meet at these jobs can vouch for your professionalism in future references. Exchange contact information with your coworkers, send thank you emails to anyone who’s helped you along the way and stay in touch even after you’ve left the position.
  5. Take each assignment seriously. Temporary work should not be taken any less seriously than full-time work. Temp jobs allow professionals to develop various skill sets and each assignment should be treated the way it would be at a full-time job. Some temporary jobs may eventually become full-time positions, so leave good impressions with these companies.

Even without any full-time experience, young professionals can build their resumes with their experiences from temporary jobs. In order to maximize the value of temporary work experiences, millennials should relate the relevant skills to each job application. Include specific assignments, skills developed and awards earned during temporary jobs. With luck, millennials’ temporary positions can become full-time careers.

Aside from bolstering resumes, temporary work experiences offer individuals an edge other applicants might not have. The nature of temporary work allows employees to explore industries and earn money while developing valuable professional skills. Each temporary role functions as a stepping stone for millennials to establish a full-time career.

Natasha Paulmeno
Natasha Paulmeno is an aspiring PR professional studying at the University of Maryland. She is learning to speak Spanish fluently through travel, music, and school. In her spare time she enjoys Bachata music, playing with her dog, and exploring social media trends. Contact Natasha at



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