
Studying for the LSAT: Myths vs. Facts

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The next Law School Admissions Test (LSAT) is scheduled for September 24, 2016. Studying for the LSAT can be challenging, and there's a lot of misinformation out there. So, Law Street has teamed up with TestMax, the creator of leading test prep apps LSATMax and BarMax to debunk some common LSAT myths. Check them out in the slideshow below:

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You Can’t Use an App to Study for the LSAT

Studying for the LSAT is pretty complicated. So there’s no way you could just whip out your phone (or tablet) to help you study, right?


Wrong again! TestMax makes LSATMax, and it’s the highest ranked app in the app store for LSAT prep. Check out all the features of LSATMax and download it completely free, here.

LSATMax by TestMax is the top-rated comprehensive LSAT prep course available in the App Store, Google Play Store, and Amazon App Store, with online options also available. TestMax is a partner of Law Street Creative. The opinions expressed in this author’s articles do not necessarily reflect the views of Law Street.



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