Society and Culture

(Self) Starting Your Engines!

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First of all, I apologize for the spotty posting in “Life of a Legal Post Grad.”  Apparently the real life of a legal post-grad is filled with long days and little-to-no room for creativity.  In fact, I may or may not be dictating this into my iPhone as I drive (JUST KIDDING FLORIDA HIGHWAY PATROL!!!).

Being super busy in one aspect of my life has forced me to balance everything else, and it is extremely difficult. It’s probably, or definitely, the reason why I’ve gained weight (p.s. if you’re interested those extra pounds that I gained are gone), or spoken to family and friends less, or not really gone out in Miami. After a (very) long day, I’m content to just sit on the couch, watch TV, and turn off my phone.*

Anyway, this balancing act made me think that I need to become more of a self-starter. Self-starters are those who are proactive in the various facets of life: working out, household chores, responding to personal e-mails after a long day, etc.

I, on the other hand, am most certainly NOT a self-starter. When I work out, I need to either (a) have a workout partner to motivate me; (b) have a personal trainer; (c) take a class; or (d) have a really important event on the horizon. Unfortunately, right now, I have none of that, so I don’t really care. Sorry, not sorry.

I attack household chores with the same fervor, aka no fervor at all.

I’m trying! Mark my words: 2014 is the year that I become more proactive and less reactive. More offensive and less defensive! I’m going to do more and sit less!

I promise.

By the end of this year, I will (hopefully) be able to successfully juggle a very demanding job, some semblance of a personal life, a relatively tidy home, and especially be more on top of my baby, “Life of a Legal Post Grad.”

It’s going to be a gradual evolution, but I’ve got seven months to make progress! And so do you…let’s begin this proactive/self-starter/go-getter lifestyle together!!! Please? I need an accountability partner.

Next week, we discuss my co-dependency.

*JK! Post-law school, apparently you NEVER turn your phone off.

Peter Davidson is a recent graduate of law school who rants about news & politics and raves over the ups & downs of FUNemployment in the current legal economy. Tweet him @PeterDavidsonII

Featured image courtesy of [dodge challenger1 via Wikipedia]

Peter Davidson II
Peter Davidson is a recent law school graduate who rants about news & politics and raves over the ups & downs of FUNemployment in the current legal economy. Contact Peter at



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