Top 10 Law Schools for Business Law

Business law programs attract thousands of students across the country each year. These curriculum tracts prepare the next generation of lawyers for a a wide variety of niche areas from business transactions to securities regulation. The top law schools in this field bring together practical experience, expert instruction, and connection to top-tier professionals in the discipline to prepare students for this highly complicated and demanding career field.

Click here for detailed ranking information for each of the Top 10 Law Schools for Business Law, and click here for the methodology used.

Research and analysis done by Law Street’s Law School Rankings team: Anneliese Mahoney, Brittany Alzfan, Erika Bethmann, Matt DeWilde, and Natasha Paulmeno.

Click here for detailed ranking information for each of the Top 10 Law Schools for Business Law.

Featured image courtesy of [Nguyen Hung Vu via Flickr]

Chelsey D. Goff was formerly Chief People Officer at Law Street. She is a Granite State Native who holds a Master of Public Policy in Urban Policy from the George Washington University. She’s passionate about social justice issues, politics — especially those in First in the Nation New Hampshire — and all things Bravo. Contact Chelsey at