ICYMI: Best of the Week

It was a tough week for men last week on Law Street thanks to Republican resignations and domestic violence admissions. The top spot went to a story about Scott Walker’s withdrawal from the Republican presidential race. The number two story revealed “Empire” actor Terrence Howard’s history of domestic violence, and number three profiled John Boehner’s resignation from Congress. ICYMI check out all three below:

#1 Scott Walker Suspends Campaign, Gives Trump a Metaphorical Middle Finger

Scott Walker has officially dropped out of the race to become the 2016 Republican Presidential nominee. In such a crowded field, it’s not surprising that the herd is starting to thin itself, at least a little bit. But what is surprising is the reasoning that Walker gave–his announcement contained what was clearly a not-so-veiled jab against frontrunner Donald Trump. Read the full story here.

#2 Terrence Howard Reveals Domestic Violence: Do Black Men Support Black Women?

Earlier this week, “Empire” star Terrance Howard confessed that he hit his first ex-wife, describing that he “lost his mind” and “slapped her in front of the kids.” This confession isn’t exactly coming out of left field. Over the last couple of years in his various marriages, Howard has been accused of slapping, punching, and strangling his partners, living up the dark nature of his character on “Empire,” Lucious Lyon. Read the full story here.

#3 John Boehner Resigns: Another Establishment Republican Bites the Dust

News broke this morning that Speaker of the House John Boehner will be resigning from Congress at the end of October. While some are rejoicing that the congressman, perhaps best known for his slightly orange visage and very active tear ducts, is stepping down, it’s also indicative of the identity crisis that is threatening to consume the Republican Party. Read the full story here.

Alexis Evans is an Assistant Editor at Law Street and a Buckeye State native. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and a minor in Business from Ohio University. Contact Alexis at aevans@LawStreetMedia.com.