Comments on: Bitcoin: Why is it Prone to Criminal Activity? Law and Policy for Our Generation Fri, 06 Jan 2017 04:08:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Why You Should Still Pay Attention to Bitcoin | Me-Finance Thu, 05 May 2016 14:29:03 +0000 […] When bitcoin was introduced, virtually no reputable businesses had heard of it, much less accepted it as a form of payment. The anonymity and untraceable characteristics of the digital currency was seen as an advantage in some of the Internet’s seedier recesses, and bitcoin found early adopters within questionable circles. […]

By: Jo Courtney Thu, 20 Feb 2014 05:05:15 +0000 No. bitcoin is a tool, and just like any tool it can be used for good or bad. These biased articles are just more evidence that the banking cartels are getting anxiety attacks because of the fact that they are losing their power to buy politicians as each person realizes bitcoins can take the power away from the cartels and put it in the hands of the people once again. Will bitcoin be the future currency? Maybe, maybe not. But anything that will remove the ability of banking cartels from punching imaginary numbers into a computer and poof money is there is hope. Bankers exploit real wealth by inflating and deflating their monopoly money (Fiat) money. They control the prices of gold and silver by doing this. Quantitative easing is just another term for print money like there is no tomorrow. You want the corruption to end? I do. So stop letting a corporation control the money supply and either let the government print the money as the constitution says should be done, or let a universal currency take hold.

By: JenkinsAuthor Tue, 18 Feb 2014 01:32:08 +0000 Bitcoin: Why is it Prone to Criminal Activity? – via @LawStreetMedia #300Voices
