Larry David Wins SNL With Bernie Sanders Impression…Again

"Bernie Sanders for President" courtesy of [Phil Roeder via Flickr]

This weekend on Saturday Night Live, Larry David once again reprised his role as Bernie Sanders–a role that, as the weeks go by, it truly seems like he was born to play. SNL’s cold open, which also satirized Ben Carson and Donald Trump, hit some of this week’s increasingly bizarre primary stories head on.

Here’s the full skit:

While the skit made fun of Carson’s creepiness and Trump’s racism and the violence against protestors at his rallies, the real butt of the skit’s joke seemed to be Sanders’ supporters. The skit particularly hit hard on how young and white those supporters are. Some of the standout quotes to that effect included:

My message is resonating with a very diverse group of white people. And I’ve got supporters of all ages — 18-year olds, 19-year olds … That’s it.

I want to thank everyone who voted for me, and apologize to everyone else for making your Facebook feeds so, so annoying. I mean, I love my supporters, but they’re too much, right? I’m great, but I’m not five-posts-a-day great. With all due respect to my supporters, get a life.

The young people love me, Tapper, because I’m like them: I’ve got a lot of big plans and absolutely no idea how to achieve them.

SNL did take a couple shots at Sanders himself too–for example at one point “Jake Tapper” circles back to “Sanders” for a comment, to discover that the Democratic candidate is in his pajamas. When asked how he got into his pajamas so quickly, David’s Sanders character discloses that he wears the pajamas under his suit at all points, hence the bagginess of his suits.

SNL also took on Hillary Clinton later in the episode, once again played by the fantastic Kate McKinnon. In that skit, Clinton attempts to appeal to millennial voters, and decides the best way to do so is just to turn into Bernie Sanders. Throughout the course of the “campaign ad” she imitates Sanders’ Brooklyn accent and eventually ends up looking like him.

As this election cycle continues on and on, it’s nice to know that SNL will probably be around to add some great, and much-needed, levity.

Anneliese Mahoney is Managing Editor at Law Street and a Connecticut transplant to Washington D.C. She has a Bachelor’s degree in International Affairs from the George Washington University, and a passion for law, politics, and social issues. Contact Anneliese at