Your 2014 Career Horoscopes – Part Two

Hello again! I’m sorry for everyone who had to wait a full day to see what the universe has in store for his or her career this year. But the Capitalista only has so much time in a day! So here are the rest of the career horoscope predictions. If you missed your sign check out yesterday’s post.

*Once again, I am not an astrologer. I don’t even read my horoscope on a weekly basis…so don’t go out and quit your jobs based on anything in this post. Thanks!


Yahoo’s AdviceRide the wave of fabulousness, dear. You so deserve it! Some may have accused you of being lazy in the past, but your own sweet rhythm gets the job done in your own time. Others are finally starting to see that you work quietly behind the scenes in your own relaxed but productive fashion. You just don’t appear as stressed out as others.

The TakeawayWell. You seem to have achieved the unattainable. Everyone desires to be recognized without having to fight too hard, ruffle feathers, or stress out too much. Congratulations! What you’ve got going seems to be working for you. Just a piece of advice in case the road becomes bumpier — you usually have to ask for what you want. If you are working your ass off and want to further your career, most of the time you have to be your own biggest supporter. Sometimes you need a little courage to fight for what you want because people might not always hand it over.


Yahoo’s AdviceYou are a fortress of money-generating power. Plus you’re more determined to stay on top of your debt than ever before — even if that means working yourself to the bone. You have the gift of maximizing your resources and connections with powerful people and marveling at how quickly your good fortune expands.

The TakeawaySounds like you’re working hard. Good for you! It’s always a good idea to put the extra hours in when you can. Remember that you don’t need to get through it alone. Reach out to your network.


Yahoo’s Advice2014 is all about who you know, Sag, and luckily you’ll be bombarded by the enthusiasm and support of friends and colleagues all year long. The biggest theme is on social networking, so don’t underestimate the power of connecting. Always carry your business cards with you, and rarely turn down a party invite this year. Doors are pretty much guaranteed to fly open via friends.

The Takeaway: It’s amazing how far networking can get you these days. Keep those business cards handy. Utilize social media. Go to Meet Up groups. It never hurts to put your feelers out there for opportunities.


Yahoo’s AdviceYou’ve been working your tail off the past few years with Pluto and Saturn pushing you past any remaining comfort zones — and the rewards are just beginning to peak. Plus, with Mars pushing you hard for the entire first half of 2014, there’ll be no rest for the weary. But not to worry because you’re at your best — and often happiest — whilst being an industrious little goat.

The TakeawayYou’re lucky. You do well when busy — which is a sign of most successful people. Even if you’re out of your comfort zone — which the Yahoo astrologer thinks you will be — you can work with that. Jumping in the deep end is scary at first, but even if you’re on a new playing field, working with new technology or in a new environment, you will learn to swim eventually. That will only help you in the future.


Yahoo’s AdviceYou’ve got loads of planetary support to keep you thriving in whatever new projects you decide to take on. It’s easy to overdo it with your scheduling during the first half of the year, so be careful not to bite off more than you can chew. The steady stream of work will continue, so don’t be afraid to turn down a few projects if only to save your health and sanity.

The TakeawaySometimes less is more. It’s easy to get wrapped up in how many opportunities are presented — especially if you’re good at your job. Good for you for putting yourself out there and continuing to work hard, but if you take on too much there is no way for each project to reach its maximum potential. Stay busy but stay sane!


Yahoo’s AdviceThe stars are demanding that you find your passion and get practical about it, Pisces. You’re a gypsy and a total free spirit by nature, but this year you’re being asked to concentrate your energies and really focus on your passion. Yes, this means coming down from dreamland and getting serious about your career goals, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use those amazing visions you have while sleeping or daydreaming.

The TakeawayYou might be torn between your creativity and your desire for stability. There are so many opportunities today for people in the job force to combine passion with career. You can start a blog. Start a business on the side. Keep that creativity flowing. You can have your head in the air while keeping your feet on the ground.

Happy hunting, and Happy New Year! I hope everyone has a successful 2014!

xo The Capitalista

Alexandra Saville (@CapitalistaBlog) is the Media and Writing Specialist at Law Street Media. She has experience in the publishing and marketing worlds and started her own publishing company right out of college. Her blogs, The Capitalista and Capitalista Careers, focus on the young and the entrepreneurial.

Alexandra Saville is the Media and Writing Specialist at Law Street Media. She has experience in the publishing and marketing worlds and started her own publishing company right out of college. Her blogs, The Capitalista and Capitalista Careers, focus on the young and the entrepreneurial.