Beginning the Search

Once you’ve made the decision to look for a new career, you’re halfway there. Well, not really…but it is a pretty big step. Once you’ve made the decision what do you do? Immediately start applying? Probably not. Take some time and follow a few steps before you dive into the deep end.

1.     Think about why you’re looking for a new job. Unless you’re straight out of the dorm rooms, you’re probably making the switch because you aren’t fully satisfied at your current position. Think about the things that aren’t fitting, how you can improve, and what you need from an employer in order to do so.

2.     What came first? Is it the company you’re working for or the industry that you’re in that’s the problem? A lot of people get so stuck on the hamster wheel of doing whatever is closest to their college degree or in the same field as their first job. Maybe it’s time to shake it up.


3.     Think about the next five, ten, fifteen years. Think about further than that. What do you want it to say on your business card when you retire? What skills will help you with that? Even if you take a job that isn’t 100% what you want, consider whether it might provide you with the tools for later.

4.     What are the most important things? This isn’t the same for everyone. For some people it’s the salary, for some the commute matters the most, the hours, the work environment, etc. Give some thought to which one or two aspects are your top priorities. Even if you don’t get everything, it will make the search easier if you know where your priorities are.


5.     Take breaks. Searching the countless job sites is exhausting and frustrating. Don’t just sit at your computer hitting the refresh key after you’ve applied for hours. Dedicate time to this, but take some time away and take a step back.

Happy hunting!

xo, The Capitalista

Alexandra Saville (@CapitalistaBlog) is the Media and Writing Specialist at Law Street Media. She has experience in the publishing and marketing worlds and started her own publishing company right out of college. Her blogs, The Capitalista and Capitalista Careers, focus on the young and the entrepreneurial.

Featured image courtesy of [kate hiscock via Flickr]

Alexandra Saville is the Media and Writing Specialist at Law Street Media. She has experience in the publishing and marketing worlds and started her own publishing company right out of college. Her blogs, The Capitalista and Capitalista Careers, focus on the young and the entrepreneurial.