Weird Al Releases His Own Version of the Third Presidential Debate

Image courtesy of evan courtney; License:  (CC BY 2.0)

Because this year’s election couldn’t get any weirder, song spoofer extraordinaire Weird Al autotuned his own version of the third presidential debate. The song, aptly called “Bad Hombres, Nasty Women,” was released by Schmoyoho, a Youtube channel that mostly features autotuned songs and videos. In the video, Weird Al acts as the moderator, posing “questions” to the candidates, and then autotuning and mixing the answers they actually gave at the debate itself. Check it out below:

While the answers were just autotuned versions of the ones that Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump said at the actual debate on Wednesday night, Weird Al’s questions, were, of course, facetious. Weird Al asked if they would thumb wrestle Vladimir Putin–whose name obviously came up a lot on Wednesday. He also asked the candidates about their Supreme Court plans, noting that he would not be in the running–which is unfortunate if you were looking forward to autotuned and spoofed judicial decisions. In true rhyming fashion, other questions from Weird Al included: “can everyone achieve the American dream?” and “should they sign up for my Ponzi scheme?”

This, of course, isn’t the first fantastic spoof to come out of the exhausting debates between the two candidates. Bad Lip Reading did a very solid rendition of the first debate:

And of course, everyone has loved “Saturday Night Live’s” version of the debates, starring Kate McKinnon as Hillary Clinton, and Alec Baldwin as a fantastic Donald Trump:

While this election cycle might feel like it’s never-ending, at least there are plenty of funny things to watch.

Anneliese Mahoney is Managing Editor at Law Street and a Connecticut transplant to Washington D.C. She has a Bachelor’s degree in International Affairs from the George Washington University, and a passion for law, politics, and social issues. Contact Anneliese at