Working Up the Ladder & Into the Circle of Trust

image courtesy of [David Michalczuk via Flickr]

Me, I’m a part of your circle of friends.  And we, notice you don’t come around…

One good thing about working in the legal industry is that you are privy to a lot of information. As legal professionals, we are exposed to a lot through contracts, mergers and acquisitions, and discovery during litigation.

I have been at my job for three months now, and I work a lot. I work hard. I do this for many reasons: (a) I work with hardworking people, and I want them to respect my own work ethic; (b) I love my job; and (c) I want them to know that they can trust me with major projects. I want to have my hand in as much as I can reasonably handle.

I want to be in the circle of trust.

I remember my internships and clerkships in law school, where I’d work really hard for three to four months in hopes of making a good impression on would-be employers. The thing with those positions was that I knew there was an end date. No matter how busy I got, or what project I was on, I knew that my work wouldn’t go further than my last day. That meant that I wasn’t always able to be in the secret meetings. I wasn’t in the circle of trust.

To be honest, I didn’t want to be in the inner circle back then. I didn’t care then as much as I do now. Perhaps it’s because this is my first “real job,” or maybe I’m just growing up, but I’m working on getting in the circle now!

Also, if you’re still wondering, I am still very tired. Weaseling my way into the circle of trust takes a lot of time and work. I’m convincing myself that inner circle membership results in mandatory daily naps. *Fingers crossed*

Peter Davidson is a recent graduate of law school who rants about news & politics and raves over the ups & downs of FUNemployment in the current legal economy. Tweet him @PeterDavidsonII

Peter Davidson is a recent law school graduate who rants about news & politics and raves over the ups & downs of FUNemployment in the current legal economy. Contact Peter at