Infographic: State-by-State Driving Laws

Whether near your home or on the other side of the country, you’re responsible for knowing the driving laws wherever you go. Many drivers may not realize that these laws frequently change as you cross state lines, especially those relating to cell phone usage. Some states still allow text messaging while driving, whereas others ban cell phones, even in hands-free mode.

The following infographic breaks down some of the most pertinent driving laws and how they differ among the 50 states and the District of Columbia. And in case you accidentally mix up any of these laws, make sure to check out these tips for what to do when you get pulled over.

Marisa Mostek (@MarisaJ44loves globetrotting and writing, so she is living the dream by writing while living abroad in Japan and working as an English teacher. Marisa received her undergraduate degree from the University of Colorado in Boulder and a certificate in journalism from UCLA. Contact Marisa at

Featured image courtesy of [Lord Jim via Flickr]

Marisa Mostek loves globetrotting and writing, so she is living the dream by writing while living abroad in Japan and working as an English teacher. Marisa received her undergraduate degree from the University of Colorado in Boulder and a certificate in journalism from UCLA. Contact Marisa at